Lessons From The Grocery Store

Is it me, or does the pressure seem to be increasing? Lately it feels like individually and collectively we are in some sort of pressure cooker. The good news is the time is ripe for change & healing. Maybe that’s the way life has been all along and I just didn’t notice the abundance of…

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If Covid Is A God, What Is It Teaching Us?

Here we are at the year anniversary with the Coronavirus. What have we learned in this year of rapid paradigm shifting? If this virus were a god (or alien), what would this god be teaching us? What would we be learning about ourselves from this being? Here are some answers I came up with. 1.…

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Fall Equinox 2020

We find ourselves here, at the balance point of the year, again, the autumnal equinox. The celestial pause, resonating in our bones to mark the transition from the vigorous growth & abundance of summer into the inward seed time of the winter. The air, the birdsong, the color of the leaves, the activity of our…

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Harvest Pondering

I hadn’t planned on writing today. I have a long list of harvest chores that needs doing aaandd, once I started working with the Tulsi, I knew I’d be sitting here writing to you. This love letter started when I began straining the Tulsi honey. I LOVE Tulsi honey and medicinal honeys are one of…

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Journey of the Heart from Inside My Skin

I wanted to take a little moment to share with you all what our Journey of the Heart program is from inside my skin. It’s been so hard to talk about this deep and profound program we offer because it doesn’t fit into a nice neat description. It’s one of those things that if I…

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A Few Moments About My Mentor, Rosemary Gladstar

Rosemary Gladstar is one of the people responsible for reigniting western herbalism here in the U.S. You can read her long list of accomplishments elsewhere, from authoring many books on herbalism, founding the United Plant Savers and the International Herbal Symposium, carrying on the New England Women’s Herbal Conference for 30 years, and bringing thousands…

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Got Resilience?

Give a listen to Kris as she gives a Sunday sermon, “Resiliency: Navigating the Vulnerable Edges” at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Ithaca on March 17 on Resiliency.

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